Quest:Intro: The Interrogation

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Intro: The Interrogation
Level 3
Type Solo
Starts with Strider
Starts at Archet
Start Region Archet Dale
Map Ref [25.0S, 48.9W]
Ends with Captain Brackenbrook
Ends at Archet
End Region Archet Dale
Map Ref [25.0S, 48.8W]
Quest Group Introduction (Hobbit/Man)
Race(s) Hobbit, Man
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I cannot decide which is more dangerous right now: Calder Cob's treachery or the ignorance of Captain Brackenbrook!

'If Calder Cob is his best soldier, I know Brackenbrook will not believe that he tried to have you ambushed by a Blackwold.

'I did some asking around while you were gone, and there is a Blackwold brigand in the stocks, across the lane from here; he is being held for highway robbery. You should question him about Calder Cob.'


After Calder Cob tried to have you ambushed by the Blackwolds, Strider wishes to prove beyond a doubt that he is an enemy to Archet.

Objective 1

Otto the Brigand is being held in the stocks in the Archet Jailyard, across the lane from Strider and Amdir.

You should question Otto directly about Calder Cob and the Blackwolds' treachery; Captain Brackenbrook is not ready to be convinced by your words alone.

Strider: 'Otto is a Blackwold, and he is being held in the stocks. You can find him across the lane from here, past where the hobbits are sitting. There you will find the Archet Jail.'
Otto the Brigand: 'Let me go! I'm a friend of Calder Cob's, and I'm innocent at that! This idiot jailor won't heed me.'
Otto quiets down as you tell him you know of Calder Cob's treachery.
'So you think you know the plan? Don't be smug; it's too late! By now, the gears of war be turning down in the south, and quick. Soon I'll be free, and you'll be the one in shackles...or worse.'
Otto knows that Calder Cob is involved with the Blackwolds

Objective 2

The Archet jailor, a man named Ned Pruner, stands warily near Otto.

You should speak with Ned Pruner, for perhaps Otto had a loose tongue around his captor.

Otto the Brigand: 'I taste vengeance on the South Wind.'
Jailor Ned Pruner: 'It is good to make your acquaintance, <name>. I noticed you were questioning Otto...does that mean that his mutterings have been truthful?
'Yes, I do believe what you have come to Archet to tell. It is unprecedented, but all signs are showing that the Blackwolds mean to attack us. How is it that they have the means?
'If Brackenbrook does not believe you, you may tell him that I DO, for what it's worth.'
Ned Pruner agrees that Archet is in peril

Objective 3

Captain Brackenbrook is in the town of Archet.

You should quickly tell Captain Brackenbrook about what Otto has said to you and to Ned Pruner, his jailor.

Jailor Ned Pruner: 'You should repeat everything Otto said to Captain Brackenbrook. If any of it is true, it sounds like Archet is in for some real trouble.'
Captain Brackenbrook: 'That is a serious charge, <name>. Calder Cob has been loyal to me and this town since he was a boy....'